Dear peers in Montréal!
The itinerary to help create TransforMap will bring me to your town from August 4 to 15.
Since I am invited to go to Montréal for the World Social Forum 2016, it is best to spend the time there with locals through (in)direct connections via the networks I am connected to. Right now few tracks and trails are being followed to not sleep any night outside.
The reason why I am coming to Montréal is a fringe event that will take place in
Commons Space is based at ECTO co-working cooperative, 936 Avenue Mont-Royal Est , 2nd floor. A number of activities, workshops, debates will take place there, but other activities will also be happening in the Forum itself and around the city.
from Wednesday, August the 10th on until the end of the forum. We call it
We propose a series of activities starting during the World Social Forum 2016 (WSF) in Montreal but part of a longer process of cooperation. These activities won't be part of the official WSF programme, but take place within the Commons Space. The core idea is to co-create a kind of network assembly extending the previous work from the TransforMap community (2014+), Remix the Commons (2012+), ESSGlobal (2011+), and others onto a global scale.
If you feel yourself connected to the struggle of the various social movements present at the Forum, and if you have some space left to host a fellow cartographer for the common good one or two nights, I'd be happy to receive a notice.
I'm connecting commons-based mapping projects and developing a geospatial taxonomy for socio-economic initiatives.