échoFab is a experimental digital fabrication laboratory for community based fabrication projects.
échoFab, 355 rue Peel, Suite 111 , Montréal, Québec
45.4948986, -73.5613427 Carrefour de l'innovation - INGO
Prototype :
échoFab operates using an experimental model of Fab Lab based around serving community needs. This model is not yet prevalent in the Fab Lab spheres. We experiment with diverse approaches and innovative digital fabrication methods and our aim is to create a community of people that are inspired to create using new practices developing on a global scale. The end goal is to make the knowledge and discoveries available for use to the general public.
Digital Workshop :
We are a digital fabrication workshop. Starting from an idea, we will conceptualize and develop the idea through various computer and electronic tools. After that, we will implement and use machines and tools at our disposal, some of these using computer controlled machines.
Community :
We believe that digital fabrication is on the cusp of expanding its influence and usefulness in our society and we predict that in the future, neighbourhoods, cities, and schools will be development labs that are responsive to their own needs and their own realities. We think that digital fabrication is not just a method for construction but a tool to help us grow as communities and as individuals—creatively, economically, and socially. Our purpose is to invite citizens to come participate in this ongoing process of building this community workshop through the way they choose to use the space. We believe in the crucial importance of shared use of resources, whether that be production materials or knowledge that is discovered.
The Neighbourhood :
We are in the heart of the Griffintown neighbourhood in Montreal. We are open to collaborations and input from around the world. We collaborate with other Fab Labs and with visitors from other parts of the world. We bring together and create a linkage between communities of musicians/sound engineers, makers, artists, engineers, academics, and citizens of all kinds. Our solid presence in the neighbourhood allows us to define our space according to how we would like to grow. A neighbourhood is a fundamental unit to consider for the lives of our citizens, as the physical location has the capability of bringing people together as a group. We aim to be a centre and gathering place for this creative expertise.