Obviously few of my contacts on Twitter are already located in Montréal. I have adapted some open source code to find communication partners of interest to ask.
The search output can be published here, as the profiles are already in the public.
from 830 peeps:
MONTRéAL https://twitter.com/bibliomancienne – marie d. martel – Montréal QC, Canada – Bibliothécaire, curatrice culturelle, jardinière du domaine public, explore les mondes possibles de l'écriture et de la lecture. Blogue sur @Voir aussi. https://twitter.com/communautique – Communautique – 355, rue Peel, Montréal (Qc) – Un hub d’innovation ouverte dédié à l’apprentissage, la collaboration, la recherche et l’expérimentation en innovation sociale et technologique. https://twitter.com/qcechofab – échoFab – Montréal, Québec – Fabrication numérique #FabLab à Montréal, 355 rue Peel, suite 111 - prototypage rapide #3dprinting #lasercut #CNC Designers, Ingénieurs, Creative Thinkers
MONTREAL https://twitter.com/ix_symposium – ix_Symposium – Montreal – Putting together creative ideas on immersive media practices / Plateforme d'échanges sur la créativité dans les pratiques immersives https://twitter.com/SATmontreal – SAT – Montreal – Centre transdisciplinaire de recherche, création, formation et diffusion voué au développement de la culture numérique / Symposium ix - http://t.co/b8Kw24izig https://twitter.com/gingkoapp – Gingko – Montreal, Canada. – Gingko: a new kind of document that shows both structure & content. Use it to expand your Mental RAM, and think bigger thoughts. https://twitter.com/adora___ – Adora Dorotea – Montreal Lisboa Berlin – Researcher in #OpenScience, OpenInfo, OpenSharing, #OpenCulture, #OpenKnowledge ... #Creativity and #Coziness Coach, Designer, Artist #Montreal #Lisboa #Berlin https://twitter.com/TiberiusB – Tiberius – Montreal – Open Value Networks, p2p economy, peer production, open hardware, open innovation, co-founder http://t.co/NZY1upzwLr
CANADA https://twitter.com/ValuesXplorer – ThomasMengel – The Glades, NB, Canada – Leadership Prof & Entrepreneur. Credo: We all can find fulfillment. Mission: Help realize potential & high performance, live meaningfully, lead values-oriented https://twitter.com/plevy – Pierre Levy – Ottawa, Canada – Author: Collective Intelligence 1994, Becoming Virtual 1995, Cyberculture 1997, The Semantic Sphere 2011 | #Philosophy, #Data #IEML | #Geopolitics https://twitter.com/bibliomancienne – marie d. martel – Montréal QC, Canada – Bibliothécaire, curatrice culturelle, jardinière du domaine public, explore les mondes possibles de l'écriture et de la lecture. Blogue sur @Voir aussi. https://twitter.com/mapperz – Mapperz – England & Canada – Senior Mapping Analyst.GIS Stack Exchange Moderator (5 Years) Part Numpty, RaspberryPi owner promoter of #QGIS #FME #Opendata #LibreELEC (media centre) https://twitter.com/gingkoapp – Gingko – Montreal, Canada. – Gingko: a new kind of document that shows both structure & content. Use it to expand your Mental RAM, and think bigger thoughts. https://twitter.com/Connoropolous – Connor Turland – Kitchener, Ontario, Canada – bridging cultural and digital technologies that enable self-organized collective action https://twitter.com/geothinkca – Geothink.ca – Canada – Largest Canadian research grant on #geoweb #crowdsourcing #CitizenScience & #OpenData for city-citizen interactions. Funded by @SSHRC_CRSH, headed by @RE_Sieber