The places of communitarian renovation are often also found within the Hacklabs and Makerspaces enplaced within the everyday public space.
For Montréal, we know at least about the tiers-lieux which consider themselves hackerspaces.
Shift-click Foulab, ECTO and Sensorica to open them to the right and add them to the lineup of pages. Then also shift-click All maps together.
Do so alike for other combinations of pages with maps. The ← left and → right arrow keys or clicking pages refocus the lineup view.
Then, we still know about the refreshing effect of green public urban space. Our friends from eco2fest invite to a temporary outdoor intervention at Parc Jarry , which is not too far from Koumbit.
Another network active around promoting free culture is FACIL.
There is also a MediaGoblin workshop about how to use it for the Democratization of Knowlege and Right to Communication